CBS ALBANY & Buddy Foy Jr

Restaurants all owned by members of the same family, and now all featured on a reality TV show. The show is called Summer Rush and it premiered earlier this month on The Food Network. CBS six’s meteorologist, Craig Gold, takes us up to the Lake George area where the restaurants are located and tells us what this show is all about.

Craig Gold:
The COVID 19 pandemic, it’s taken a huge chunk out of the restaurant industry. That’s the cold, harsh reality, but three different restaurants owned by one family here in Bolton Landing. They’re hoping that a reality show will help to bring back some big business.
They say food helps to bring family together.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
How’d you make out with that power outage?

Jesse Foy:
I had the best night,

Craig Gold:
The Foy family in both landing takes that theory to a new level with some friction mixed in.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
Mom can’t retire.
[crosstalk 00:00:46].
You don’t get the keys to somebody.

Jesse Foy:
But what kills me.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
And no one’s paying you all the money for the [crosstalk 00:00:51]

Craig Gold:
Three restaurants, all on Lake George, all depending on tourist season, AKA The Summer Rush, as the show is called, to keep them above water. The first, now 25 years in business, Cate’s Italian Garden owned by mom and dad, Cate and Buddy Foy Senior.

Buddy For Sr.:
We catered to the families. You know, we have a fair amount of children that come through because of our pizza.

Craig Gold:
The second, Chateau On The Lake owned and operated by Buddy Foy, Jr. And his wife.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
It’s a three course experience with international, mainly French inspired dishes.

Craig Gold:
And the third, The Diamond Point Grille, owned by Buddy’s other son, Jesse and his wife.

Jesse Foy:
A lot of homemade stuff, I have big burgers. I got my lobster boils, it’s a great sell right now.

Craig Gold:
Summer Rush highlights the pressure cooker of a situation these three family own restaurants go through year, end and year out of only having a few months to make their lot.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
Lake George is still open in the winter. We’re still open. We just don’t make any money.

Craig Gold:
But now they have a whole new added pressure of a pandemic.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
This show highlights the difficulty of this industry. And little did we know how difficult it was really about to become.

Craig Gold:
Wednesday, of course brings restaurants to phase three. They can now have indoor seating at 50% occupancy.

Jesse Foy:
It’s a little scary, I’m psyched that we’re getting to that 50% mark, but it’s going to be a process.

Craig Gold:
Their Food Network reality show, a blessing during a time like this, but their hope is that it casts a much wider net than just their restaurants.

Buddy Foy Jr.:
It’s on national TV. People who have never seen the Adirondacks are seeing what we are and how beautiful it is. So the endgame is to bring business in for everybody.

Craig Gold:
If things go well, Summer Rush could be up for another season, next season. CRAIG GOLD, CBS six news.

Speaker 6:
Well said there, it looks like the Foy family and Lake George, both very deserving of national recognition. That’s a lot of Foys there, Anne.

Yeah, it is. You know, I’ve been to two out of three of those restaurants and I’m happy for them because this has been such a rough time for people in the restaurant industry to have that exposure is huge.