Welcome back. Americans are moving to the sunshine state. As governor DeSantis refuses to implement COVID mandates, giving people choices and keeping businesses open. Florida tourism soared beyond pre COVID levels last year with 118 million people visiting in 2021, including Comrade Cortez, the highest in the state’s history. Our next guests both own successful businesses in Florida and say they are grateful to be in the mandate free state. Restaurant owner, Buddy Foy Jr. and Zeno’s Boardwalk Sweet Shop owner, John Zeno Louizes. Thank you gentlemen both. Did I get that right? Louizes?
Louizes! I’m so sorry. Thank you. But John buddy, thanks so much for being here. So John, can it be understated how important it has been to be in Florida as opposed to somewhere else, especially in your business?
You know, I think a lot of people don’t often realize that small businesses are usually a bad quarter away from going out of business. When COVID came, we had just gotten out of our slow season, gearing up for spring break. Then, we were forced to shut down for spring break, just staying at home, but I will always be so appreciative of the governor DeSantis for opening up the state as soon as he did, because we were to get things back on track, get our staff back in house, and get things locked and loaded. And we’ve been clicking on all cylinders since that.
And has tourism kept up because whereas other states were closed, people knew they could, if they wanted a vacation, they could at least come to Florida?
It’s more than kept up and I’m sure that Buddy will agree with me that 2021 was the best year we’ve ever had by far. It’s allowed us to expand from four retail stores to seven in the state. We’ve increased our capacity for manufacturing and distribution, but I’ve been very lucky. We’ve been in business since 1948. I always tell people we’re the other family owned business that started in Daytona in 1948, NASCAR being the other one. The jury’s still out as to which is more successful yet, but you know, one day we’ll see. Like I said, just very happy to be living where I live in a crazy time like this.
For sure, Buddy, same thing for you. I mean, I’m trying to get a seat at a restaurant right now in Daytona is basically impossible. Yes, there’s a race here, I get that. But, in talking to other restaurant owners, a pretty consistent thing in Florida.
Pete, it’s consistent everywhere. No matter where you are in Florida, if you don’t know someone, you’re not going to get a seat. It’s insane. It’s the freedom state. It’s the happy state. Freedom creates happiness. It’s a great environment. It’s expanding. Our restaurant in Florida did the same on amount of business as our pre COVID numbers in New York. And it’s for assured, I’ve been open in New York up in Lake George for 10 years. We’re expanding. We’re trying to get another one open. So, Florida’s hot and it’s happening.
You were telling, you’re trying to get another restaurant open as fast as the supply chain will allow you.
Bingo. Right?
So what are you waiting on?
Well, what we got going on is materials, steel, wood, doors, windows, and governor DeSantis doesn’t control the national supply chain unfortunately.
You wish she did.
Unfortunately, I wish she did. We’d be open a month ago.
So, You’ve probably still hear from restaurant owners in other states or competitors in other states. Are they having the same success you’re having here right now?
Well, I can speak for a good friend of mine, who’s got a couple diners up in Pennsylvania and they were forced to shut down. Buddy gets to go back and forth to New York some, but someone that lives in Florida, it’s weird for me go somewhere else and not be how it used to be. Things have really been more strict and up there. He’s told me on many occasions that he’s ready to move down to Florida, and a lot of people move down to Florida. We usually focus on tourists in my locations, but now the only thing better than a restaurant owner or a candy shop owners to be a realtor because everyone’s moving down and they’re cashing in.
It’s true. Buddy, is there anywhere else you’d open a restaurant at this point?
Pete, I can’t even believe I opened one here. This is never in our plans. We’re looking to expand in New York, Right?. It was a pivot. I got young girls, daughters, high school. I have a wife that her family’s in New Jersey and New York. So, I can’t believe we’re here. By the grace of God, we made the decision, and we could not have made a better decision, and I couldn’t be in a better state. I’m blown out of the water.
It’s amazing how many people say that and actually see it with their own eyes. When you come down here, say man, they’re living real life and people are prospering as a result.
We’re living.
Buddy and John, thank you gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
Not a bad view, huh?
Pretty cool.
The best set I’ve ever been.
I like it. I like it. By the way to order taffy from Zeno’s Boardwalk Sweet Shop. Those are Fox and friends. If you don’t have a shot of it right there, they’re pretty cool. You go to worldsmostfamoustaffy.com. For more about Buddy and his restaurants visit buddyfoyjr.com. If you’re down in Florida or up in New York, check it out. Gentlemen, both, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate you all.